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popoto 0.4.3 is Zbabel compliant for french and english

popoto 0.4.3 is available and is ZBabel compliant.

A first ZBabel tower and dictionary is also available with english dictionary (anyone with a spanish or german translation will be greatly praise ;-).

Now it also works nicely with HTMLDocument.



I made "Portal For All in a nutshell" (POrtail POur TOus in french) in order to allow (almost) anyone to setup and customize collaborative portals within an hour.

A lot of non-technical people are interested in Zope, but are really afraid of testing it, being under the impression that Zope is only for developpers.

So this product aims at being used by non technical managers, to experiment easily Zope Zen.

This product is based on NFGnav, CookieCrumbler, Yihaw/EPIC & Popoto. It works nicely with ZBabel, HTMLDocument.

How-To are available in french (in English in the future) in RTF format within

If you need more power, please have a look at CMF.